The human body isn’t prepared by birth to fight of the thousands of infectious disease floating around us. Whether it’s polio, hepatitis B or certain types of influenza, we’re not built to withstand these infections—newborn babies are even more likely to develop these conditions.
For this reason, most of us are immunized at birth so that we don’t contract these diseases the minute we’re born or at some point later in our lives.
Newborn children are supposed to undergo a vaccination regimen that’s spaced out from the moment their born until they’re two years old. The schedule is as follows:
What Does Immunization Mean?
The immunization process involves using the same viruses that cause any disease to induce an immune response in the body. These viruses are weakened so you don’t get sick, but the body’s immune system becomes active to prevent you from getting sick from the same virus later. The response lasts a lifetime and you’re protected from the disease for the rest of your life. This is also how the flu shot works, where you’re immunized against whatever strain of the influenza virus is most dominant in your environment. Newborn babies are the most at risk for developing illnesses than anyone else because it’s the first time they’re entering the world outside the womb. For this reason, all parents should get their kids vaccinated to prevent the risk of them contracting some potentially fatal disease.A Vaccination Checklist for Newborns

- 12 Hours of being born—The first vaccination get is the dose of the Hepatitis B vaccination. It’s essential that they get this vaccine within 12 hours of birth.
- After 1–2 Months—The second dose of the hepatitis B vaccination, along with the first dose of tetanus, polio, pneumococcal disease, rotavirus and whooping cough vaccines.
- 3–4 Months—Your child will be given the second doses of the tetanus, polio, pneumococcal disease, rotavirus and whooping cough vaccines.
- 5–6 Months—The third doses for the above mentioned illnesses and they will also now be given yearly vaccines for the flu.
- 12–23 Months—During this time your child will be vaccinated for chickenpox, measles, mumps, Hepatitis A for the first time. They will get their forth doses for tetanus, whooping cough, pneumococcal disease. Third doses of hepatitis B and Polio.