According to research, sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine. Although most kids have a slight sweet tooth, excessive sugar consumption might negatively affect their health.
Even though breast milk provides all the sugar a baby needs, 60 percent of infants between 6 months and a year are given added sugar with foods. But this shouldn’t be the case. Here’s why added sugar and too much sugar intake must be limited.
1. Impaired Vision
Increased consumption of added sugars can cause swelling in the eye’s lens, resulting in blurry vision. High blood sugar levels can also cause glaucoma. High blood sugar and insulin levels constrict the blood vessels hampering the drainage of eye fluids, causing accumulation. It can damage the optic nerve and permanently impair your child’s vision if not treated timely.2. Weakened Immune System
Added sugars can impair your child’s immune system, drastically lowering their capacity to fight infections. This could make your child susceptible to other illnesses, like the flu and colds. To keep your child healthy and content, you must restrict their sugar intake. Fruit like bananas and blueberries, which offer essential immune-boosting nutrients while satisfying sweet desires, should be substituted for sugary snacks.3. Increases the Risk of Asthma
According to numerous studies, sugar consumption is to blame for the rise in childhood and adolescent asthma. The Nestle Research Center in Switzerland found that consuming more sugar causes allergic airway inflammation. This inflammation triggers mucus production, which narrows the airways, and kids may experience symptoms including wheezing and shortness of breath.
4. Recurrent Stomach Problems
Does your child frequently have stomach pains? Are your child’s irritability and altered behavior usually attributed to stomach acid or indigestion by your pediatrician? Keep an eye out for their consumption of sweets. In addition to causing gastrointestinal and digestive issues like indigestion, an acidic gastrointestinal tract, heartburn, and gas, sugar also depletes the good bacteria in the gut. Additionally, it significantly impacts the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients from the food babies consume. This can interfere with your children’s capacity to learn, assimilate, and absorb knowledge.5. Low Levels of Concentration
Children who consume sugar may experience an adrenaline rush that makes them irritable and may cause anxiety, hyperactivity, and difficulties concentrating. When given sugary cereal first thing in the morning, your child’s adrenaline levels will rise quickly. As a result, you must swap out your morning meals for healthy ones like eggs or fruits like bananas for instant energy.6. Making Unhealthy Food Choices in Future
Babies need a firm nutritional base, and the sweetness of sugar can cause them to reject foods that aren’t sweet but have high nutritional value and are essential for growth and development. Sugar offers no nutritional value, but its sweetness can be alluring, especially for young children whose taste buds have not yet fully matured. It’s crucial to keep an eye on what you feed your children because it significantly impacts their future choices. Infants may start rejecting breast milk since it isn’t as sweet as foods with added sugar. This impairment can harm their health because breast milk includes nutrients necessary for their development.
7. Increased Risk of Obesity
Infants who consume meals and beverages with added sugar are more likely to become obese. Even if your child is active, eating a lot of foods with added sugar might cause them to gain weight quickly since they contain high calories.8. Speeds up Tooth Decay
Too much added sugar can cause tooth decay, a common problem affecting children and adults. A baby’s first teeth start coming when they’re six months old. Added sugars mean the mouth will produce more enzymes to break down the sugars. This acid lowers the pH level of a baby’s mouth, causing demineralization. Demineralization is the decomposition of the newly erupted infant teeth’s enamel. As a result, the enamel will erode, causing a cavity in the tooth. These cavities can spread deeper into your baby’s teeth, causing severe toothaches.