If you just had your first child, you’re in for a new experience. While this new addition would mean the world to you as parents, you’re probably unaware of how to care for an infant. You need to do everything right to keep your child safe and happy.
We’ve prepared the ultimate guide if you’re confused and nervous about being a parent for the first time and unsure where to begin.
Learn Breastfeeding Basics ASAP
While nursing is a natural process, many new mothers struggle with it. You must take care of the baby’s breastfeeding needs immediately. One excellent way to do this is by nursing within an hour of delivery.
It’s no secret that babies eat whenever they want in the first six weeks, and not establishing a routine can affect your milk supply. With frequent nursing sessions, you’re providing enough nutrients to their body and keeping them healthy.
Just remember that you need to be careful while nursing your baby. Burping babies is also essential during the first few months.
Get Ready For The Endless Diapers!
You’ll be changing a lot more diapers than you imagined. Changing diapers is challenging for all new parents, especially in the first few weeks when the baby poops every 2 hours. We’d recommend you stock up on diapers for the first two months as you wouldn’t wish to run out of them when your baby needs them.
If you’re a first-time parent, wipe the poop properly and apply diaper cream to prevent rashes. Moreover, you’ll need to change the diaper frequently to prevent moisture from causing diaper rash.
Adjust Your Sleep Schedule
A good night’s sleep is a blessing. You will realize this when a baby is in the house. Be ready to say goodbye to your sleep schedule and get accustomed to your baby’s sleeping pattern. You’ll be surprised to know that babies sleep for almost sixteen hours every day, but they wake up after every four hours of sleep, which can be difficult for parents to deal with. As parents, you’ll have to learn to take power naps to cope with your baby’s schedule.
If you’re struggling to keep your baby calm, visit A Thru Z Pediatrics today for all your baby’s health care needs. Our expert infant pediatricians in Schertz provide a one-stop solution to parents. Being the best pediatric clinic, we can help new parents by properly examining and assessing them for possible health conditions.
Get in touch with us today for more details.