A Thru Z Pediatrics-Best Pediatricians in San Antonio and Surrounding Areas

Medical Center Location

7922 Ewing Halsell, Suite 360 San Antonio, TX 78229
Phone: 210-614-7500
Fax: 210-614-7540
Mon- Fri 8:30 AM- 5:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Stone Oak Location

1314 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 5102 San Antonio, TX 78258
Phone: 210-490-8888
Fax: 210-496-6865
Mon- Fri 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday 8 AM -12 PM

Schertz Location

5000 Schertz Pkwy, Suite 300 Schertz, TX 78154
Phone: 210- 775 -0909
Fax: 210-874-4345
Mon- Fri 9 AM - 5:00 PM

WestOver Hills Location

11212 State Hwy 151, PLAZA-2 Suite 215 San Antonio, TX. 78251
Phone: 210-405-3473
Fax: 210-418-1221
Mon- Fri 9 AM - 5:00 PM


Kids Sports Injuries: Physical Evaluation Is Necessary

About 30 million children participate in some form of organized sports in the US. But as the number of youth sports participants continues to rise, the risk of sports-related injuries also increases. More than 3.5 million injuries are reported on an annual basis.

Hence, it’s important to educate ourselves on kids’ sports injuries and know what steps to take in such instances. Let’s discuss the importance of seeking an effective treatment plan.

Why is physical evaluation necessary?

Early recognition and treatment are absolutely crucial to ensure your kid’s ability to safely recover and return to the field. If your child has sustained an injury that leads to a deformity, swelling, loss of movement, or any other physical difficulty, they should be provided with immediate medical attention.

In many cases, the symptoms don’t show for hours, days, or even weeks. So even if there’s no clear sign of injury but your child is experiencing discomfort in performing normal functions, a trip to the physician is recommended. A physical evaluation will help diagnose any injury that your child may have sustained.

It’s important to understand that, if left untreated, minor injuries can turn into chronic problems that require more time to heal and may even lead to dire health consequences. Sometimes, even delaying a treatment can exacerbate the symptoms, causing additional pain and prolonging the recovery period.


RICE Treatment

Going to a physician, of course, takes some time, depending on the schedule. Meanwhile, RICE treatment can be beneficial for your child. It can decrease their pain and help to prevent injury from worsening. RICE is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

Rest Don’t perform any activity with the injured area until the physical evaluation.

Ice Apply ice to the injured area to lessen the pain (avoid using chemical packs).

Compression Wear compression sock or apply wrap around the injured area (Watch out for discoloration numbness, or temperature changes. Loosen the wrap, if needed.)

Elevation Keep the injured area elevated. Try to keep the area at or above the level of your heart to minimize swelling.

Sports coach

Sports Physicals can help prevent injuries

According to the CDC, more than half of all sports injuries in children are preventable. It’s best to take a proactive approach and go to a pediatric sports physician before allowing your child to participate in sports activities. This will significantly reduce the chances of your child sustaining injuries in the first place.

For instance, if your child has breathing issues, a physician can adjust the dosage or prescribe a specific inhaler that will allow them to breathe more easily when they participate in intensive sports activities such as soccer. They can also recommend certain exercises or stretching activities that can help prevent injuries.

A physical evaluation is important!

Some injuries are unpreventable and can take place, regardless of all the safety precautions that you take. And there’s no substitute for seeking treatment from a qualified physician. They will evaluate the injuries sustained by your child and formulate an effective treatment plan to ensure a safe and quick recovery.

Looking for a qualified physician to treat your child’s sports injuries, schedule an appointment at A thru Z Pediatrics today!

Based in San Antonio, TX, we have trained San Antonio pediatrics on board who will carefully assess your child’s sports injuries. Make an appointment at our Stone Oak Pediatric Clinic or Medical Center pediatrics. To learn more, contact us today!


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