Mission Crossing Location

2902 Goliad Rd, Suite 103, San Antonio, TX 78223
Phone: 210-819-5989
Fax: 210-816-6170
Mon- Fri 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM

Medical Center Location

7922 Ewing Halsell, Suite 360 San Antonio, TX 78229
Phone: 210-614-7500
Fax: 210-614-7540
Mon- Fri 8:30 AM- 5:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Stone Oak Location

2415 E Evans Rd #108 San Antonio, TX 78259, USA
Phone: 210-490-8888
Fax: 210-496-6865
Mon- Fri 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Schertz Location

5000 Schertz Pkwy, Suite 300 Schertz, TX 78154
Phone: 210- 775 -0909
Fax: 210-874-4345
Mon- Fri 9 AM - 5:00 PM

WestOver Hills Location

11212 State Hwy 151, PLAZA-2 Suite 215 San Antonio, TX. 78251
Phone: 210-405-3473
Fax: 210-418-1221
Mon- Fri 9 AM - 5:00 PM

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A Comprehensive Guide to Burping Newborns

Whether a baby takes milk from a bottle or is breastfed, they swallow air, making them uncomfortable and prompting them to spit up the milk soon after feeding.
Burping can help you prevent this. It’s an essential part of parenting. Failure to burp a baby or not burping them the right way can even lead to death. Here’s a comprehensive guide for parents to burping their babies and keeping them healthy and fit.

When Do You Need to Burp a Baby?

If you find that burping helps your child be less fussy, you can do it periodically during or after each meal. When your baby becomes fussy, squirmy, or pulls away from the breast or bottle, this is a sign that they are full and need to burp. If you’re breastfeeding your child, you can burp them between breast changes or after they’ve finished nursing. You may choose to burp a bottle-fed infant after they’ve finished the first 2 to 3 ounces or when they’ve stopped drinking from the bottle.

What’s the Most Effective Approach to Burping a Baby?

You can try various positions to burp your infant:
  • Place your baby on your lap face down and gently stroke or pat their back until they burp.
  • Second, gently rub or stroke your baby’s back until they burp by supporting their head and torso while slightly bending them forward.
  • Finally, put your head just above the shoulder of your infant to hold them at shoulder level. Take care not to suffocate your kid by pinching their neck or throat. Burp the baby by rubbing or patting its back.
If the baby spits up milk, it’s also good to place a burping cloth over the baby’s chest or on your lap or shoulder to avoid the mess. If your baby has a history of spitting up, keep them upright for 15 to 30 minutes after feeding by placing them on your chest or shoulder, but don’t force them in that posture and always support the head and neck. feeding-a-baby

How Long Does It Take a Baby to Burp?

Most babies burp within minutes, but there is no set time range because each baby develops habits differently at different speeds. If your baby doesn’t burp and doesn’t appear to be in any discomfort, you shouldn’t keep trying to burp them. Just hold them upright for about 25 to 30 minutes, and then lay them down even if they don’t burp.

What Happens If the Infant Doesn’t Burp?

Burping is not a sign that the baby is in good health. If they aren’t restless or irritable after eating, they’re good. It means they either don’t have gas, or it doesn’t bother them. If the infant appears unhappy, you can massage their stomach or place them on their back and raise their legs to release gas. They might be uncomfortable but still won’t burp. In such situations, practice one of the following to speed up the burping process:
  • Hold the baby and comfort them
  • Hold the baby in an upright position
  • Give them a massage
  • Gently move their legs as if they’re riding a bicycle
If the baby continues to appear to be in discomfort, you should consult a pediatrician.

When Should You Stop Burping Your Baby?

There is no set age when you must cease burping your child. When infants start sitting up on their own, it becomes less important. Most babies can sit on the floor when they are about six to nine months old. As they grow, the natural bodily alignment for digestion increases, causing the gas to rise when solids and liquids fall without external assistance, causing the baby to burp naturally. If your baby becomes unhappy after the meal, you may continue burping them; otherwise, you may stop. Some newborns outgrow burping needs as early as four months old, while others may take up to a year or more. If your child requires you to burp them over the age of one, don’t be concerned, it’s normal. mother-baby

What to Do If a Baby is in Discomfort Even After Burping?

If you notice your child is in discomfort even after burping, you should consult a pediatrician. If you’re searching for the best pediatric clinic in San Antonio, look no further than A Thru Z Pediatrics.  We offer various healthcare services for newborns, children, and adolescents, including well-child visits, ADHD testing clinic Schertz, and primary care. We also allow parents to share any questions or concerns about their child’s health and development. We have some of the best pediatricians Schertz, Stone Oak, and San Antonio. If you detect anything unusual in your infant, contact us today to keep them healthy.  

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